Vivid Vision Support Team: Changing Lives!

Say hello to our dynamic support duo, Ken and Kelly!
These two superstars make up the Vivid Vision Customer Support Team. Their unique personalities and experiences make them better suited for this line of work than most, and, the people they help goes far beyond just Vivid Vision providers and their staff. So, we wanted to take time to really highlight what makes our support team so very special and why you should reach out and call them today!
Let’s cut straight to the chase and begin with Ken and Kelly’s top 3 “What we wish everyone knew about virtual reality”
- It’s not just for kids - it’s technology for everyone
- Don’t be afraid of it
- The potential is huge
What makes them so sure?
Kelly didn’t use or have experience with VR until she was in her 40’s. She says, “I am ‘older’ so I feel I can give confidence to some patients and providers who think VR is too techy or outside of their understanding.” A unique strength that Kelly brings to the support she provides is that she did vision therapy at a local optometrist’s office utilizing Vivid Vision as part of the program. She lived with diplopia, or double vision, for fifty years before finding Vivid Vision and learning about vision therapy. She also underwent multiple eye muscle surgeries. She feels a connection to many of the patients who call in for help setting up their Vivid Vision Home accounts. Many of them, just like she was, are looking for a solution they never knew existed before. Kelly especially enjoys helping adult patients get familiar and confident with the virtual reality concept and hardware. “I love when I begin to hear them get excited because I know they will love it as much as I have.”
Ken is our Director of Customer Support here at Vivid Vision. His wealth of knowledge about virtual reality (past, present, and future) is astounding. Ken has been a big part of the virtual reality community for many years, partially because of his own love of all things “tech” but also because Ken is affected by low vision. He has experienced first hand as job markets got smaller and smaller for the low vision community due to technology changes over time. Ken is very active in advocating for technological advancements to benefit the visually impaired and sees that VR technology and software could help create opportunities for millions. “I see VR and Vivid Vision as an investment in the future. The value will only continue to increase over time. It’s more than just cool gaming technology.” Ken explains that gaming really helped bring VR mainstream but the real future is in science, medicine, and research.
If you ever want to talk VR history or learn about some of the mind-blowing potential of VR, Ken’s your guy. Prior to coming to Vivid Vision, Ken was a VR talk show fact, he interviewed our very own co-founders, James and Manish, before Vivid Vision came to be Vivid Vision! His intimate knowledge of VR helps him provide top notch support to our distributors, providers, and to patients. He also takes good care of us all here at Vivid Vision, he’s who we call when we need a tech support guru’s help. He helps keep us up to date on Oculus updates, bugs, etc. Ken even designed the paddles that are used in our game, Breaker! He’s an absolute Renaissance Man.
Ken says that supporting doctors and their therapists gives him a good feeling. “I’m helping, through them, to change lives!” With that much ownership and pride in the service he provides, you know you are in good hands.
Ken and Kelly support our providers worldwide but they also help Vivid Vision Home patients directly. Once patients are prescribed Vivid Vision Home and have obtained their authorization code, they can call Ken and Kelly at 1-877-877-0310 or email them at This saves office staff time and aligns patients with a product savvy support person dedicated to making the setup experience easy and stress-free. Please note that our team is not medically trained and will not give medical advice or change any treatment options. Those aspects are managed directly by the provider.
As a company, from our founders to our support team, we have patients at our core. We want to change lives and we want to change as many as possible. Ken and Kelly have been a major help in Vivid Vision reaching over 25,000 patients worldwide!
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